Welcome to topschools.com.ng , the topic is all about how to easily gain admission into the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) in 2019 no matter what. Being admitted into the University of one's choice has always been the dream of every JAMB candidates. It is always the first thing that comes into the mind once you have passed your UTME exams with higher scores . There are two things that are involved in live... Is either you learn a trade after your secondary school Or... You further your education to the higher institution ( University , Polytechnic or College of Education). If you have chosen this second way, then you must definitely pass through some stresses in gaining admission into the schools of your choice, FUTA in this case. You did not make any mistake to choose the second way neither did you commit any crime writing JAMB CBT Questions . Now, if God has helped you to pass successfully , why shouldn't you have admission in...
News about Schools in Nigeria, WAEC, NECO, JAMB, Post Utme, Admission List, Cut off Mark, Entertainment and Business.